It has been a couple of months since I wrote on this substack, I hope that you are are keeping as well as possible at this time.
Part of the reason that I have been quiet, is that for the last 6 weeks I have been head-down focusing on my role as exec member for data and technology at Dartford Green Party, as we fought two by-elections called due to the untimely death of incumbent Peter Harman.
Even before this byelection was called I have been thinking and feeling a lot around the difference between transformation and reformation, systemically, and politically.
What comes up for you as differences between transformation and reformation? What is possible, and what isn’t, across both visions?
At this juncture I want to offer a huge dose of appreciation to Natalie Bennett, Lords peer and author of the book ‘Change Everything’ which is an absolutely incredible, accessible, and forward-looking read.
If you would like a copy of this book (3 max will be sent), please email me at with a couple of sentences as to why you are interested, with a postal address, and I will be pleased to organise getting a copy to you.
Additionally, Natalie is an amazing advocate for young people who regularly attends schools and colleagues to share her perspective as ex-leader of the Green Party of England and Wales, a House of Lords peer, and as a speaker, author, and activist.
Transformation is a buzz-word these day, getting thrown around by big consultancies, individuals like me, and even big corporates who are on ‘digital transformation’ journeys, but it won’t surprise you in the spirit of this substack, that I assert that the most challenging, and necessary, transformation, I would assert, is that which sits inside each one of us.
But what IS ‘transformation’ really?
According to Merriam Wester, it is “an act, process, or instance of transforming or being transformed.”
I would like to add to this definition that transformation is a complete change of state, a shape-shift if you will.
Why I feel qualified to make this addition is that over the past 12 years my identity, stories about myself, my work, and the impact I have in the world has shape-shifted almost every 6-12 months.
12 years ago I was a ‘corporate drone,’ and a happy, privileged, corporate drone at that.
Working in a multinational chemical company within an international business development capacity
More than fairly paid with good benefits
Decent immediate team and wider company culture
Quite a lot of freedom to do my role as I saw fit
However 11 years ago I had my first ‘instance of transforming’ when I sat in my apartment at the time feeling completely hollow, and what I now call, ‘spiritually bankrupt.’
I had the salary, the car, the holidays, the lifestyle that I have been conditioned would make me feel whole, that I thought would make me happy, and I just felt empty and hollow.
For some reason, and it really was divine intervention of some sort, I got curious, instead of heading down a mid-life crisis - I could see and feel that fork in the road, but chose curiosity over further emotional suppression, for some reason.
If you are interested to hear more about that, I joined Whitney Johnson’s podcast some time ago.
Where in your life have you transformed, or do you feel that transforming may help you step into the next phase of your personal and/or organisational growth?
I would assert that we DO need a lot more transformation across all manner of areas, including education, business, politics, within our communities, and within ourselves.
As my old pal Einstein said:
Again, according to Merriam Webster, Reformation is “the act of reforming : the state of being reformed.”
Reforming, moving the deckchairs on the Titanic as she goes down, seems pretty pointless to me, honestly.
Especially in the context of climate, political, and social breakdown.
Why would we just ‘reform’ systems that are so fundamentally broken, systemically harmful, and oppressive, like Western hegemony, Western politics, and Western business?
This feels a long way away from ‘changing everything,’ and I invite us to think about who ‘just’ reformation most serves?
What are you thinking, and what are your thoughts?
However, and this leads me back to the recent byelections that I was part of, we have to understand why ‘just reformation’ is such a powerful drug at this time of Western collapse.
Food bank usage in the ‘so-called developed’ UK has sky-rocketed over the past 15 years (2009-2024), which just happens to have aligned with the period of time that the last Conservative government was in place - make your own correlations, or not.
Additionally, as at 23rd Nov 2024, the FTSE 100, the valuation of the top 100 most valuable companies on the UK stock market, was bouncing around its regular highs as stockbrokers, and the super rich continue to take their lions shares of income, whist some gets put away for possible pensions when we reach retirement age.
I believe that we need to transform how the financial markets work, and how reparations can be built into a new wellbeing-based, financial system.
More and more billionaires are being created, whilst more and more people go to food banks, and whilst more and more of ‘workers’ money gets syphoned off.
Many people are in survival mode in the so-called developed UK, and as such, their fears are more easily manipulated.
The above 3 connected examples will NOT change through ‘reformation.’
To try and tweak at the edges, is to re-in-FORCE the status quo.
To let the masses’ think’ that things are changing, when nothing really changes at all, after which they will ‘feel’ angry, let down, and mayb lurch even further to the right of society.
Our by-election results
So what does any of the above have to do with our recent byelection results?
Before I get to the results, I want to acknowledge that the UK political party, Reform, ran a very good campaign that led to them winning the two byelection seats.
Yet, everything that I shared above, in my personal view, stands. Their agenda is one of reformation, moving deckchairs on the titanic as she goes down, not transformation.
Greenhithe & Knockhall byelection result
Both Reform and our Green Party were first-time candidates in both of these areas, so there is a point of note that ‘two new parties’ were able to collect just under 50% of all the votes.
Granted, the turnout was awful at just 16% of registered voters, however the signal is one to note.
People, whether they voted or not, know intuitively that the two-party, binary politically system DOES NOT WORK, not for the masses at least, and people are either disengaging, or looking for alternatives.
We heard this on the doorstep of hundreds and hundreds of potential voters.
Sadly, and this is no surprise, misinformation and a myopic focus on immigration or ‘those that don’t look and sound like us’ are two tools of people and organisations that seek to ‘just reform’ the status quo.
Swanscombe & Greenhithe byelection result
Just 15% of registered voters voted in this Kent County Council seat, so again, the deep level of apathy for the UK political system is on full display.
It needs transformation I would assert.
I am proud of what we achieved and that we centre transformation
As I wrap up this update, I again want to say, fair play to Reform, they campaigned hard, even if I disagree fundamentally with their approach, and their methods.
We also campaigned very hard, and I could not be prouder of our Green Cllr Laura and our candidate Sacha who were both the face, and the leaders of or campaign.
One example of us creating space for transformation locally, was creating the boroughs first ever fully inclusive Citizens Forum on Congestion to crowd-source and lobby for changes that can make a difference now in our communities, whilst the powerholders in government decide whether or not larger infrastructure projects will be invested in.
An invitation
It is easy to feel powerless, that anything you say or do doesn’t make any difference, but this could NOT be further from the truth.
YOU have agency
YOU have a voice
YOU matter
YOU are creative.
YOU are FULL of possibility.
Let that expand within and around you, and if you want to speak to me about how I can hold space for you as a Thinking Partner as you reclaim your brilliance from systems and environments that condition you to feel otherwise, drop me a line at
I leave you with a post that I shared on LinkedIn recently just before the election results came out.
With love and powerful intent.
Shall we connect?
My name is Garry Turner and I guide the expansion of possibilities at the intersections of International Sales, People & Culture, Equality & Inclusion, and Sustainability
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