Expanding Possibility within Ourselves and Industry
Expanding Possibility within Ourselves and Industry
A re-introduction to myself, Garry Turner, and re-clarified direction of this substack and podcast

A re-introduction to myself, Garry Turner, and re-clarified direction of this substack and podcast

Expanding Possibilities within Ourselves and Industry at a time of Collapse

It taken me some time to get to this point, but I do feel I am at the point where it is helpful for me to share more about how I see the world based on my past 47 years on the planet, and most importantly the past 3.5 years of current and ongoing, journey of decolonisation.

You see, as of 10 years ago, I was very much 0.5X version of Garry. All that early years conditioning, my Western education, the social pressures, and then into the world of (massively oppressive and regressive) work, regardless of how much money we make or things that we own.

Today, from the inside-out, I talk often about being a 100X version of Garry, and I would say that expands further these days.

I am not special, not at all, but I have been on a deep journey of unlearning who and what I thought I was in the world, and more recently, weaved that with an understanding of past, and as importantly, modern-day colonisation through imperialism, capitalism and other oppressive social constructive constructs.

I wish to invite you to check out the Possible Futures crew if any of the above has piqued your interest, especially their Intro to Decolonial Sustainability course, as well as their Intro to the Intro course (if you are curious, but want to get some more sense of the full 5-month course) and some partner courses too like Should I stay or Should I Go?

Funnily enough, I am doing and being all of this whilst holding down a day job inside one of the most extractive and harmful industries on the planet, chemicals.

What all of the above means and how it coalesces will make sense over time, but for now, it is good to meet you, and if you want to connect to follow my wider work or to even have a chat sometime, you can find more about me and my select partners at my Linktree at https://linktr.ee/GarryTurner.

You can also reach me at garryturner0@hotmail.com, I am looking to take on 1-1 clients as well as organisational work, and do keep out my my emerging project from HEXO Change, radicality.co.uk.

Finally a picture of the gorgeous Villefrance-sur-Mer where my wife Jackie and I took 5 days of much needed downtime recently.

Discussion about this podcast

Expanding Possibility within Ourselves and Industry
Expanding Possibility within Ourselves and Industry
We cannot ignore that we are facing Western collapse. Political systems, global supply chains, Western business as usual, and what we thought was 'normal' and 'secure,' is all unfolding before our eyes. This does not need to be a bad thing. Indeed maybe this is what we have been missing for far too long as Western systems of imperialism, hegemony and toxic capitalism have held us ALL captive, whilst harming those far from our shores?
Is this a unique opportunity to reimagine who and what we are in the world?
Is this an opportunity to radically reinvent or even remember what business and community looks and feels like?
With a blank slate and mind, what do you want to do and feel next?
Join me in this personal, reflective, yet expansive solo podcast, which may have guests on occasion, as I invite you to expand possibility within yourself and the work that you at this time of collapse.
We are the seeds of the future.