Expanding Possibility within Ourselves and Industry
Expanding Possibility within Ourselves and Industry
The disembodiment of Western business

The disembodiment of Western business

An unblocking of my own voice

In just the past few days I have witnessed and observed, first-hand, the ugly underbelly of our collapsing Western systems, especially politically, and in terms of extractive capitalism.

I wrote recently about embodied responses - part 1 and I have a part 2 about to be published, but before then, I had to share these reflections with you.

I will narrate an excerpt from the amazing B Lorraine Smith as part of this podcast as well as sharing 3 other different cases, all of which are interconnected.

The one from CNBC can be found HERE.

Now please, these are my personal reflections and dot-connections; I invite you to listen, internalise, constructively challenge and reflect based on your own context.

My context is an integration of the following, which I shared in a LinkedIn post fairly recently:

🧱consciously staying in the #chemicals and up/downstream industries to guide inner and outer change for senior leaders around beliefs, narratives, imagination and possibility.

If you are a senior leader in any of these sectors and know in your heart and body (below the neck) that the next certification or company acquisition is not actually moving us towards a more just and truly sustainable world, and you want to explore what might be possible, let’s connect?

💰operate within a corporate space leading over Euro 10 million of international sales and business development whilst leading on #learninganddevelopment #organisationaldevelopment and design

🌱bringing together local communities through the UKs national neighbourhood watch charity and other localised interventions

From a standing start 12 months ago, we now have 3 schemes and over 315 members, over 20 of which are regularly active

🌎 acting as co-chair of the local Dartford and Gravesham Green Party as we seek to use the (broken) UK political system to drive systemic change

We have over 125 members, 15 of which are regularly active - join us?

💙partner to the team at WorldBlu who have an incredible #freedomatwork, democratic approach to leadership and organisational design and development

Want to find out it more? The Leadership and Growth summit takes place across 28th and 29th Feb 2024, use code TURNER50 to get 50% off a premium ticket

📚ongoing learning and unlearning as I continue my decolonisation journey which started in Oct 2020 and will see me join the Possible Futures Intro to Decolonial Sustainability online course for professionals starting Jan 2024

The majority of #fear that we have from time to time can be traced back to a system of oppression called capitalism that doesn’t love you nor me, it cares solely about extraction and accumulation.

👶 our first grandson Freddie is a major catalyst for naming this all so clearly. I wrote a poem to a newborn grandson which can be found HERE.

Beyond Freddie however, as Matt Damon shares in the movie Intersellar, “Evolution has yet to transcend that simple barrier, we can care deeply, selflessly about those we know, but that empathy rarely extends beyond our line of sight.”

We have witnessed this in the most inhumane ways in UK politics over recent weeks and years.

🪦from the moment we are born we are dying. That is not morbid, that is fact, so why waste a single moment of this precious opportunity at life?

There is a lot going on locally and globally which represents Western hegemonic collapse and there is a lot of privilege in me being able to write this post.

And I must try and use that privilege for the above purposes.

Shall we connect?

My name is Garry Turner and I guide the expansion of possibilities at the intersections of International Sales, People & Culture, Equity & Inclusion and Sustainability:

  • Subscribe to my substack at

Digital Business Card — https://link.v1ce.co.uk/GarryTurner 

LinkedIn — https://www.linkedin.com/in/possibilityexpander 

Linktree — https://linktr.ee/HexoChangeGarryTurner

Discussion about this podcast

Expanding Possibility within Ourselves and Industry
Expanding Possibility within Ourselves and Industry
We cannot ignore that we are facing Western collapse. Political systems, global supply chains, Western business as usual, and what we thought was 'normal' and 'secure,' is all unfolding before our eyes. This does not need to be a bad thing. Indeed maybe this is what we have been missing for far too long as Western systems of imperialism, hegemony and toxic capitalism have held us ALL captive, whilst harming those far from our shores?
Is this a unique opportunity to reimagine who and what we are in the world?
Is this an opportunity to radically reinvent or even remember what business and community looks and feels like?
With a blank slate and mind, what do you want to do and feel next?
Join me in this personal, reflective, yet expansive solo podcast, which may have guests on occasion, as I invite you to expand possibility within yourself and the work that you at this time of collapse.
We are the seeds of the future.