Expanding Possibility within Ourselves and Industry
Expanding Possibility within Ourselves and Industry
Money and my conditioned extractivism

Money and my conditioned extractivism

A lesson and realisation from the Global South on Monday 7th August 2023

To aid accessibility and inclusivity of my content, I shall be narrating all of my content going forward. I will add a link to the audio version to each blog and additionally, I shall include the full text on each podcast, as below.

Subscribers will only receive one email going forward with the original writing plus a link to the audio, however this audio can also be found on substack, Apple podcasts and Spotify podcasts.

These micro blogs are my attempt to write succinct, insightful, punchy blogs in less than 500 words, semi-regularly. Please do let me know how I am doing in the comments below and what you take away and/or may challenge as we journey together towards hospicing extractivism within ourselves and industry!

Across Sunday 6th August and Monday 7th August 2023 I was getting very excited about this new substack development, for a variety of reasons. So much so, that I had the idea to paywall my long-form writing as a way to try and develop intrigue and expand my 200+ subscriber audience to this increasingly vulnerable, and exposing work that I invite us all, and myself, to hospice extractivism within ourselves and industry.

However, honestly, it didn’t feel great switching on the paywall, but I convinced myself that, for me, it made sense. Also, no judgement whatsoever of anyone that does use paywalls to generate revenue.

Checking in with a friend

One of the most profound, regenerative, forward-looking writers that I know personally at this time is Sahana Chattopadhyay.

I know that Sahana has a fantastic medium platform as well as writing themselves on Substack, so I was curious what Sahana had considered around subscriptions.

What Sahana shared with me as I exited my train from Ebbsfleet to St Pancreas International, before heading off to Brussels for a business meeting, was as follows:

Sahana has given their blessing to share this message and there are a few areas that I want to briefly unpick:

  • The kindness and generosity that Sahana offers me as I acknowledge my conditioning

  • The piercing clarity that ‘just £5 per month’ in the UK is almost a week’s worth of groceries in Mumbai

  • A reminder as to the reasons why is it ‘just £5’ in the UK and almost a week’s worth of groceries in India. There is a really accessible and very insightful podcast series called Empire which can be found here on Spotify which will help join many of these dots if you are curious

  • A reminder that to help witness and challenge my own extractive behaviour, I need to keep de-centering myself and centering those communities most harmed, oppressed and kept silent in our Western discourse

  • India and other Global South countries are often called ‘developing’ whereas we in the West, in the UK, US etc deem ourselves to be ‘developed.’ Who sets and controls that narrative and where do raw material and resource flows get extracted from, and go to, generally?

It is amazing, when we are curious and seeking to raise our awareness, how a simple exchange can breed so much insight, learning and remembering.

This platform, inspired by Sahana, will remain free and open access to all, with an invitation to sign up to a paid subscription to support my work and writing.

As is always the case, within 24 hours of making this decision, my first paid subscriber signed up! Thank you to that kind human, you know who you are.

Shall we connect?

My name is Garry Turner and I am a Possibility Expander, disrupting extractive thinking and industries whilst working at the intersection of international sales, people and culture, equity & inclusion and sustainability:

  • Subscribe to my substack at:

Digital Business Card — https://link.v1ce.co.uk/GarryTurner 

LinkedIn — https://www.linkedin.com/in/garryturnerthinkingpartner

Linktree — https://linktr.ee/HexoChangeGarryTurner

Discussion about this podcast

Expanding Possibility within Ourselves and Industry
Expanding Possibility within Ourselves and Industry
We cannot ignore that we are facing Western collapse. Political systems, global supply chains, Western business as usual, and what we thought was 'normal' and 'secure,' is all unfolding before our eyes. This does not need to be a bad thing. Indeed maybe this is what we have been missing for far too long as Western systems of imperialism, hegemony and toxic capitalism have held us ALL captive, whilst harming those far from our shores?
Is this a unique opportunity to reimagine who and what we are in the world?
Is this an opportunity to radically reinvent or even remember what business and community looks and feels like?
With a blank slate and mind, what do you want to do and feel next?
Join me in this personal, reflective, yet expansive solo podcast, which may have guests on occasion, as I invite you to expand possibility within yourself and the work that you at this time of collapse.
We are the seeds of the future.