Expanding Possibility within Ourselves and Industry
Expanding Possibility within Ourselves and Industry
Moving at the speed of interconnected awareness

Moving at the speed of interconnected awareness

Tempering my own 'urgency' cultural pattern

Yesterday was a good day!

The range, depth and breadth of conversations and interactions I was involved in included:

  • Asking the Possible Futures crew if they would allow me to join the next Intro To Decolonial Sustainability course as a full expeditioner / journeyer

  • Agreeing with my line manager that it was time to imagine our team culture from a blank slate again (which includes the opportunity to introduce new, deeper inquiries and questions)

  • Catching up with a Khemia co-founder to review the now and future of community building within the extractive industries - blank slate coming up again

However, what I also realised yesterday, but was clarified just now in the moment, was my cultural pattern of urgency of showing up again. That is what this short reflective podcast is all about today.

Shall we connect?

My name is Garry Turner and I am a Possibility Expander, disrupting extractive thinking and industries whilst working at the intersection of international sales, people and culture, equity & inclusion and sustainability:

  • Subscribe to my substack at

Digital Business Card — https://link.v1ce.co.uk/GarryTurner 

LinkedIn — https://www.linkedin.com/in/possibilityexpander/

Linktree — https://linktr.ee/HexoChangeGarryTurner

Discussion about this podcast

Expanding Possibility within Ourselves and Industry
Expanding Possibility within Ourselves and Industry
We cannot ignore that we are facing Western collapse. Political systems, global supply chains, Western business as usual, and what we thought was 'normal' and 'secure,' is all unfolding before our eyes. This does not need to be a bad thing. Indeed maybe this is what we have been missing for far too long as Western systems of imperialism, hegemony and toxic capitalism have held us ALL captive, whilst harming those far from our shores?
Is this a unique opportunity to reimagine who and what we are in the world?
Is this an opportunity to radically reinvent or even remember what business and community looks and feels like?
With a blank slate and mind, what do you want to do and feel next?
Join me in this personal, reflective, yet expansive solo podcast, which may have guests on occasion, as I invite you to expand possibility within yourself and the work that you at this time of collapse.
We are the seeds of the future.