Expanding Possibility within Ourselves and Industry
Expanding Possibility within Ourselves and Industry
Possibility from the depths of despair

Possibility from the depths of despair

Three key reflections and insights that I took away from meeting a dear, newish friend one recent afternoon (you know who you are):

1) "The system is too big to have agency"

As we caught up, processing the extreme state of the world currently, and the role that ongoing division, oppression and it has to be said capitalism 'as-is', has as part of that, we found ourselves exploring the above reflection.

We reflected that when we are born, we are free from conditioning, free from fake borders and separation, and we CAN go back to that state, more often.

Not always easy, but we can.

I am reminded of this even more with a 12-week old new grandson who is yet to have society's toxic culture impregnated into his being, as of now.

2) "How does life want to flow through me?"

Being present and looking forward, we reflected on how we are ALL part of life. We are all connected and this, again, illusion of separation and disconnection is indeed one of the biggest opportunities of our time to correct.

Realising that that life wants to flow through us, we are energy, we are life, yet the systems that we need to survive within, and indeed perpetuate, are deeply degenerative, and not in service of life.

I am grateful to be finding more and more people, in and outside of #chemicals, who are willing to start to lift the lid on our conditioning.

To get #curious what might be possible when we remember our agency, our freedom, our ability to ask constructively challenging questions. To show up and speak up.

I appreciate not everybody feels safe nor confident to do this, but we DO have this possibility.

3) Emergent-SEE

As my dear friend and I explored, they shared the perspective of another change agent but for some reason in that moment, I didn’t hear emergence, nor emergency, two words that were spoken in that sentence or two.

What I heard and felt was emergent-see.

The long-conditioned and suppressed ability to sense, to intuit, to see and sense into emergence, whilst being totally conscious and grounded.

This is what emergent-see meant to me in the moment.

We discussed the pluriverse, a nod to another dear friend Sahana is required at this juncture, as we remembered together that despite the deep and real pain and trauma that is unfolding all around the world, behind this is newness. Expansiveness. Possibility.

I don’t use these words lightly at this very difficult time, yet it feels important.

Indeed, so much of what my dear friend and I explored recently was reinforced today as Sahana, Trina Casey and I held space for one another in our latest Hegemony Revealed livestream, the first in over a month.

Now what?

It, to me, has never felt more important to stay grounded, centered and in personal balance.

Not always easy, but as these hegemonic energies fight for their last breath of relevance, our power comes from not giving that power away to them.

The very same binary thinking and fear that is being unleashed right now globally is the same binary thinking and fear that underpins coloniality, division and separation.

We are the same.

We feel the same.

We bleed the same.

We are one.

Yet with vastly different degrees of privilege and access and THAT has to change, and will change as seeds to new worlds germinate and that is happening RIGHT NOW.

Go well and stay connected to yourself, others and the life-forces that sustain us.

Shall we connect?

My name is Garry Turner and I guide the expansion of possibilities at the intersections of International Sales, People & Culture, Equity & Inclusion and Sustainability:

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LinkedIn — https://www.linkedin.com/in/possibilityexpander 

Linktree — https://linktr.ee/HexoChangeGarryTurner

Discussion about this podcast

Expanding Possibility within Ourselves and Industry
Expanding Possibility within Ourselves and Industry
We cannot ignore that we are facing Western collapse. Political systems, global supply chains, Western business as usual, and what we thought was 'normal' and 'secure,' is all unfolding before our eyes. This does not need to be a bad thing. Indeed maybe this is what we have been missing for far too long as Western systems of imperialism, hegemony and toxic capitalism have held us ALL captive, whilst harming those far from our shores?
Is this a unique opportunity to reimagine who and what we are in the world?
Is this an opportunity to radically reinvent or even remember what business and community looks and feels like?
With a blank slate and mind, what do you want to do and feel next?
Join me in this personal, reflective, yet expansive solo podcast, which may have guests on occasion, as I invite you to expand possibility within yourself and the work that you at this time of collapse.
We are the seeds of the future.